Saturday, January 20, 2007

First Rant on........ the NHL

Now being a hockey purist that I am or like to think I am, there has to be more of you that agree with me out there on this. Has the quality of the NHL gone downhill? Way to many penalties, the trap is running rampant and all this talk of making more goals, not to mention the stupid schedule they have now that allows you to see your favorite team live once every three years and a crappy team in your own division 8 times!.
So well the NHL board of governors tried to take the trap away by eliminating the two line pass, they now have every team in the league guarding against the two line pass via the trap. Yes every team now traps whether you know it or not, watch one live and see. And with all these penalty calls, marginal hooking and holding -which in my mind shoudn't be a penalty unless you actually prevent someone from his stride or advancing on the puck but just touching him with your stick, come on- some teams can't score unless they are on a power play. So trap, dump the puck in, trap some more, dump the puck in, oh here we go a penalty call (only a matter of seconds) now we have the best power play in the league we can score now. Anyone else sense that sort of flow in the game these days. When teams are -23 on 5 on 5 play then have the #1 power play what do you think is gonna happen. Anyway my theory is let up on the hooking calls a bit (20 calls in one game is a little too much)and holding, call it if it actually DOES obstruct someone's progression, and let the flow of the game go to be entertaining. As it stands now there is no flow to half the games. I sure hope they can figure this out before the playoffs start. And my hero Don Cherry must feel the same way I do, I know the CBC Hockey Night in Canada announcers feel this way cause they mention it every game now.
So my suggestions to the NHL are as follows:

  • Let up on the penalty calls unless it is really obvious
  • Rearrange the schedule like it was a few years ago so everyone plays each other twice (once in each home town)
  • Make the delay of game for clearing the puck over the boards a ref discretionary call
  • Forget all this silly talk about making nets bigger to allow more goals cause your refs are doing that single handedly by calling 25 penalties a game anyway and allowing poer plays to strive.
  • Give up on trying to get stupid jerseys for everyone when there are teams who who have empty buildings and noone will see the silly new jerseys anyway.
Personally I would rather see a 1-1 game with no penalties and lots of scoring chances and a fast flowing game like it used to be in the 70's and 80's. These days they have taken the flow away from the game and hitting is almost a lost art for fear of getting a penalty.
This is only my opinion but I'm sure there must be other purists out there who feel similiar to the way I do.

Has anyone ever seen a professional Lacrosse game(NLL), it's the way hockey used to be played.

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