Sunday, March 23, 2008

Out of retirement

Well I thought I was gonna retire from running after I completed the 5 k race last weekend. But my wife has other plans for me! This morning the alarm goes off at 7:00am and she tells me we are running again at the running room with the groups. As I was hoping for a weekend to sleep in, it looked more and more like it wasn't going to happen. Heck I thought I could retire on a high note and always say "hey I finished a 5k race in under 30 min" and just go through life with that as my claim to fame. But nope , wifey wants me to keep running, more 5 ks and even some 10 ks. well after we got to the Runing Room we met up with some of the people from my wife's learn to run class. They are all doing well and some have signed up for 5k classes and 10k classes. A few even doing half marathon classes. I wish them all good luck.

Anyway today I ran with the 5k group as well as some of the learn to run group and I did well , no pain, so Iguess I will have to keep running now. Maybe I can retire at the end of another 5k race!

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