Monday, September 8, 2008

Nolstalgia dragsters and the NASCAR chase"

Well I haven't post for awhile but recently some nolstalgia dragsters came to town. Although the show was canceled at Race City because of rain they were still downtown on the Friday before the event. So we went down to snap a few pics. The original drivers are still driving some of them. They even fired one of them up downtown and you could tell the owners and drivers of them still have it in their blood, the smell and sounds of nitro Methane engines.

NASCAR and the Chase for the championship

The top 12 drivers are set for the NASCAR chase. All I can say is go number 88!
The NHRA is goin gto a new track this weekend in Charlotte. It has 4 lanes, a little deja vu here as NHRA used to run 4 and 6 lanes way back when. Could this be in the future?

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