Lacrosse game Jan 27, 2007
After spending the day at my wife's run in the cold, it was time to heat things up at night at one of the most unrated and probably most unknown sports around. But a little piece of info for is probably older than hockey, the Mann cup is older than the Stanley Cup. yes I'm talkin about Lacrosse. The Mann cup is played for by the Western Lacrosse League and the Ontario League. But last night we went to see our city's NLL team play here. I tell you Lacrosse is by far the best dollar for dollar value as compare to Hockey. Its cheap and exciting for the fans and very entertaining.
Imagine the NHL 10-20 years ago when Bob Probert was around and Tim Hunter and Dave Semenko, protecting guys like Wayne Gretzky, and Haakan Loob. with lots of body checking to boot as well. Well thats what Lacrosse is like today, full of bigtime bodychecks and the odd scrap and lots of scoring. and see Mr Bettman they did all this without changin silly rules and having huge nets like you wanna do. Maybe the NHL should take a pge from the NLL and see what its got going right for them and follow suit.
The Drill Crew
NHL notes:
Well it is no surpris that 95 per cent of NHL fans polled last night on Hockey Night in Canada think the NHL missed the boat on the decision to alter the schedule back the way it was before the lockout. So as it stands you have to wait three years to see your favorite team(s) (if you don't cheer for your home team) and some of today's rising stars like OVECHKIN and CROSBY. Don't forget Cariolia has one of the Staal brothers who is never seen by many. Three years to see your favorite stars! In one year careers have been eneded, in two years Sydney Crosby could be injured and never play again therefore more than half the leagues fans would neevr have gotten to see him live and he would just fade into history as just another fairytale hero you read about in the papers.